450 United States Flags on 7ft masts fly from February 20 - 25 on Marco Island in Florida as a tribute to our treasured heroes
The Flags For Heroes Opening Ceremony was held on Presidents Day, February 21 this year for the annual tradition. Representatives with United Veteran Benefits Agency were moved by the touching ceremony that pays tribute to those currently serving in the Military, Veterans, First Responders, Health Care Workers, Teachers, hometown heroes and others.
The community dedication, which is held annually by many Rotary Clubs throughout the U.S., displays the flags meaning to represent an individual hero and to tell their story. Marco Island had 450 representative flags this year, nearly double from the 2021 inaugural event for the area. This year, the mayor signed a proclamation that February 21st shall be Dedicated to Heroes, henceforth.
The event is sponsored by the Rotary Club of Marco Island Noontime in cooperation with the YMCA of S. Collier-Marco Island. The flags will be on display through February 25, 2022.